I'm starting to look at urns for Bailey's ashes - so many to choose from. Several sites also provide jewelry where bits of ash can be stored inside via a tiny funnel. Decisions, decisions.
Story time
A strange thing happened on Tuesday. I took Basil for a hike up Bailey's favorite trail where I have her memorial perched by a big rock overlooking the valley. Bailey's "spot" is a bit off the trail and hidden from the typical hiker. Since it's rattlesnake season, I decided to wave Bailey's memorial hello versus going off trail in fear I would run into one of the slippery creatures. Just as we passed Bailey's spot, Basil stopped dead in her tracks and began smelling a big rock that was partially buried in the middle of the trail. Her tail instantly went between her legs and she started to shake. She looked a me with sheer fright and came running my direction....there was no way she was going past that rock. Important note - Basil typically has no fright - she is a tough cookie and very protective.My gut tells me that a rattle snake was likely sunning on the rock earlier in the day and that Basil picked up the scent. She did go through one session of snake training a few weeks ago and has a follow up session tomorrow. While her reaction could have easily been from what she learned a few weeks ago, my "physical" response was incredibly odd. When this all happened, my entire body filled with goosebumps - face, arms, legs...I was covered. I just had this "sense" that there was more to it - that Bailey was there and warning us not to go forward. Perhaps it is a coincidence, but my gut tells me Bailey was there....
Picture of Basil on the hike - love the yellow flowers!

Picture of thirsty Bailey after hiking the same trail: