It's been two weeks today and I woke this am feeling incredibly empty. I think whats bothering me most is the time line and the memories....I feel like it has been months since I was able to hold my sweet Bailey. I feel like the memories are fading - as if I can't remember what she looked like or smelled like. I don't know if this is part of the grief and a way of protecting myself from the pain....but it just seems like so, so long ago.
I'm also finding it harder to talk about Bailey, her cancer and especially her last two days. I'm hoping these feelings will pass.
BaileyismBailey liked to tease Bocci, but it was never the other way around. This picture was from earlier this year - long before Bailey got sick. As if the day (alone) running errands with me and a special bone was not enough...she was determined to rub in in Bocci's face when entering the house...
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