Thursday, July 30, 2009

Biopsy News

As expected, Bailey has hemangiosarcoma. While this is such sad, sad news - we are finding some relief as her liver tests came back clean. My understanding and hope is that we now have a bit more time to tackle this monster and spend precious time with Bailey. Our first appointment with the Oncologist is tomorrow morning - there is no time to waist.

Thanks to the Canine Cancer Foundation (, I've been turned on to a vet who specializes in alternative therapy which can be coupled with chemo. While there are no guarantees, anything that will ensure Bailey has a quality life is our top priority.

Now that we know what we are up against, I'm breathing a bit easier. Bailey is a fighter - she mastered her way to recovery last year after having a cantaloupe size cyst removed and is doing great thus far from Saturday's surgery. If there was ever a dog that had a chance to be in that lucky 10% to survive twelve or more months with hemangiosarcoma - it's our Bailey.

Bailey loves her babies - this is "Slimy Baby" who we brought to the hospital to keep Bailey company. Slimy Baby is a pladapus from Grandma that Bailey has had since her puppyhood. She's often found using Slimy Baby as a pillow - but here, it looks like she's using it for a step stool.

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet girl! Slimy Baby sure has gotten a work out! The Canine Cancer Foundation is a great resource and with your mojo I don't doubt Bailey has a fighting chance!
