Bailey will continue to receive chemo treatments every three weeks from Dr. Beaver at Arizona Veterinary Specialist. Meanwhile, she will see Dr. Hershey for herbs and supplements. We may even get crazy and do acupuncture! I've always been a skeptic, but will keep an open mind this time around.
Chemo - Round Two
Since Bailey's white cell count dropped below 1000 after her first treatment, Dr. Beaver lowered the chemo dosage. We are using Doxorubicin which is common for dogs with hemangiosarcoma. Bailey was given stomach meds for the next few days to help with the side effects. Along with her Valley Fever meds, she is also on Probiotics to help recover from the Pancreatitis.
More good news - our Bocci girl is doing so much better! I am so thankful as I truly thought her days were numbered. She went almost 3 weeks without a full meal - surviving on little bits of chicken and rice. Within the last 36 hours, she has improved dramatically. She's even to the point of waiting for food to drop from anyone that steps near the kitchen (see below picture). Both girls are getting a bit spoiled with the home cooked rice and chicken - but they are worth the stove duty. We'll start Bailey back on the low carb diet next week after she has recovered from the chemo.
One other note about Bailey, she had two episodes with incontinence this past weekend. She is also a bit clumsy - almost as if she is tripping on occasion. We've talked to both our standard vet and the oncologist and we do not believe it is related to the cancer. It could be a number of things from age to neurological issues. For now, we'll keep an eye on her and seek tests if it continues.
Bailey's feet smell like Fritos Corn Chips. I know, I know - I should NOT admit this out loud, but I couldn't resist. So I dare you, smell your dogs feet and I bet you find something similar. Enjoy!
Here is a picture of Bailey after her 2nd round of chemo along with a shot of Bocci waiting for a bite to eat.