Monday, August 31, 2009

Chemo - Round Two

After a bit of soul searching and hours of research on the Internet, we decided to stick with our initial plan and continue Bailey's chemo. We are also going to introduce homeopathic treatments from a separate vet who practices both traditional and holistic medicine. We feel the combination of chemo to fight the cancer cells and herbs to boost Bailey's immune system will give her the best possible outcome.

Bailey will continue to receive chemo treatments every three weeks from Dr. Beaver at Arizona Veterinary Specialist. Meanwhile, she will see Dr. Hershey for herbs and supplements. We may even get crazy and do acupuncture! I've always been a skeptic, but will keep an open mind this time around.

Chemo - Round Two
Since Bailey's white cell count dropped below 1000 after her first treatment, Dr. Beaver lowered the chemo dosage. We are using Doxorubicin which is common for dogs with hemangiosarcoma. Bailey was given stomach meds for the next few days to help with the side effects. Along with her Valley Fever meds, she is also on Probiotics to help recover from the Pancreatitis.

More good news - our Bocci girl is doing so much better! I am so thankful as I truly thought her days were numbered. She went almost 3 weeks without a full meal - surviving on little bits of chicken and rice. Within the last 36 hours, she has improved dramatically. She's even to the point of waiting for food to drop from anyone that steps near the kitchen (see below picture). Both girls are getting a bit spoiled with the home cooked rice and chicken - but they are worth the stove duty. We'll start Bailey back on the low carb diet next week after she has recovered from the chemo.

One other note about Bailey, she had two episodes with incontinence this past weekend. She is also a bit clumsy - almost as if she is tripping on occasion. We've talked to both our standard vet and the oncologist and we do not believe it is related to the cancer. It could be a number of things from age to neurological issues. For now, we'll keep an eye on her and seek tests if it continues.

Bailey's feet smell like Fritos Corn Chips. I know, I know - I should NOT admit this out loud, but I couldn't resist. So I dare you, smell your dogs feet and I bet you find something similar. Enjoy!

Here is a picture of Bailey after her 2nd round of chemo along with a shot of Bocci waiting for a bite to eat.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Right Thing to Do?

I'm in a cloud of confusion trying to determine the best thing to do for Bailey. It's been 34 days since her emergency spleen operation and news of terminal cancer. To look at Bailey today, you would have no idea that something awful was brewing inside of her. She is bright, funny, needy (my favorite) and to the eye, a cute 10 year old golden.

When this all transpired, I was determined to stick to chemo as per several vets and the Internet, it gave Bailey the best chance for surviving 6 months or so. Without chemo, her estimated time on earth dropped to 1 to 3 months. Either way, a heart breaker.

My girlfriend, Kelle, and I talked with a Holistic vet today and I've started to research alternative medicine for Bailey. I'd give anything for a crystal ball to tell me - 'do this and that and she'll live for several years.' Based on who you talk to or what you read, the treatment plans vary greatly. The Holistic vet today said that she has seen a dog live as long as 2.5 years with Hemangiosarcoma (Bailey's cancer). All reports show that only 10% survive past 12 months, so the vet's example is a true miracle. How do I get that miracle??

We started treating Bailey's Valley Fever a few days ago. Her appetite has dropped a little, but I'm told it will reappear as she adjusts to the medicine. I'm worried about the interaction between the chemo/cancer and meds/valley fever. Both chemo and valley fever wear down the immune system. Lord knows, I'm a perfectionist by nature and I'm now second guessing the best thing to do - and this time it REALLY matters. I'm scared to make the wrong choice and have it hurt Bailey and/or cut her life with me short. I plan to spend the weekend researching both chemo and holistic options and will do some soul searching to determine the best course of treatment. If anyone has experience with either, please contact me as I'd love to hear your story.

This last month - by far - has torn on my heart strings and played with my emotions more than any time before. Bocci and Bailey have been in and out of the vet/hospital so many times I lost count and its been touch and go with both. It seems that when one girl is doing good, the other takes a step back. As of now, Bailey is doing great and we're hoping to get Bocci back to eating solid meals (her Pancreatitis and Kidneys are still causing grief). We put Bocci on stomach meds today hoping it settles her belly. She got sick this afternoon so will likely be going back to the vet if her condition does not improve by Sunday.

Anyone know where I can buy a crystal ball?

Remember Scooby Doo - what a big chicken he could be? Bailey is identical. This past week the AC repair man came to the house. I'll admit, he was a bit scary looking, but the worst part was his squeaky shoes. As he walked through the house, Bailey ran to where I was sitting on the couch and literally jumped on my lap. I was laughing so hard (see right side of the picture) and she was trying to act cool while shivering at the same time. She locked both paws around my neck and was shaking...just like Scooby. Bocci is not agile enough to get on the couch, but paced back and forth like I've never seen. I guess my dad is right, goldens are sure cute, but they stink as watch dogs!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Corner Turned

Bailey is feeling so much better. What a relief to see the bounce in her step return! She is due for her next chemo treatment this coming Friday, however, we may postpone for a week to let her heal from the Pancreatits.....and enjoy this piece of heaven.

We learned Friday that Bailey's Valley Fever (VF) test came back positive. Seriously! Can this pup get a break? Thankfully, the titer is low which is a measurement of the infection level. We need to discuss the best way to treat VF with the Oncologist as the chemo may work against VF. For those not from the desert, VF is a fungal infection that is contracted by inhaling cocci spores from soil. Although there is no immediate cure, dogs are treated with meds for several months - sometimes a year plus. If found early - the disease is very manageable.

The odd thing is, we almost skipped the VF test on Bailey as she was not coughing - a common symptom. I'm so glad the vet talked us into the test or we may have found out too late. Also, the vet had a good point that AZ dogs should be tested once a year for VF as it's common in the desert. Take a minute to research the signs of VF and if your pup has a few of the symptoms, I'd suggest spending the cash to get them tested.

Bailey is a total snoop. This past 4th of July we went to our friend's house (Kamie and Dana) for a BBQ and swimming party with the dogs. Along with their two dogs, Kamie and Dana have a cat who has a "secret room" accessed through the master closet. While roaming every floor and room in the house, Bailey stumbled upon the cat - she then ran to me, led me upstairs, down the hall and into the master closet to show me her new, found treasure. Bailey stayed in the closet for over an hour in a staring war with that cat. Such a funny dog.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lessons Learned

Of all my posts thus far - this one is the most important as I'm hoping others will learn from our mistake.

Both girls refused to eat all weekend. After trying everything in the pantry including an early morning run to the grocery store for baby food (yuck by the way) - I threw in the towel and took Bocci and Bailey to the vet Monday around noon. The vet suggested we do fourteen million tests ranging from valley fever to giardia. She was also concerned about Bocci's protein levels and wanted to take more x-rays of her belly in search of a tumor. My heart dropped to the floor - it's hard enough battling an awful disease in one dog - but two?? Bocci and Bailey were put on IVs for the remainder of the day while I went home and prayed to every Saint possible.

Later Monday night, the vet delivered the test results. Bocci did not have any visible tumors (thank you, God). However, along with her pancreatitis and thyroid issues, she also has a urinary tract infection and her kidneys are in the beginning stage of failure. While that sounds awful, there are things we can do to help prolong her kidney strength. As for Bailey, she has a pancreatitis, unbalanced bacteria and her white cell count has dropped significantly. Both girls were sent home with tons of meds and scheduled for another full day of IV treatments on Tuesday. Thankfully, the girls kept their meds down so were able to avoid the vet on Wednesday. They seem to be doing better today (Thursday) and have a follow up appointment tomorrow.

So here is the lesson learned - we likely had a hand in the girls pancreatitis. A few weeks back, we switched Bailey's diet to 75% protein and 25% veggies - avoiding carbs as they promote cancer growth. Bocci's food was switched as well so she could enjoy the home cooking. Our huge mistake was not changing their diet gradually and introducing too much fat (found in the protein). While our goal was to help them, we ended up causing major damage to their systems not to mention the near $2,500 we paid in vet bills. So if you plan to change your dog's diet, do so by mixing with their current food slowly over a two week time period. Also, with the exception of special diets like boiled chicken, you truly are not doing your pet a favor by feeding people food. I've learned that the majority of pancreatits episodes happen after the holidays when owners feed their dogs all of the leftovers. Dog's should never eat junk food, fried or fast food items. Believe me, you don't want to experience what we've put our babies through this past week. The look on their face where they are wearing catheter socks says it all - no fun!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

When it rains, it pours

Bocci stopped eating on Wednesday. I took her to the vet Friday morning where she received sub-q (under the skin) fluids. Later Friday night, Bocci began vomiting - she had 5 episodes between midnight and 7 am. We went back to the vet first thing in the morning and she was placed on an IV for the day. I picked her up around 5pm and the vet suggested we x-ray the abdomen and do a Pancreas test. Bocci and I drove across town to another vet for the procedure. I paced the floor for 45 minutes worried sick that they would find a mass similar to Bailey. Thankfully, the x-ray did not show any visible masses, however, I was warned that the only real way to tell is through an ultrasound. The vet also tested Bocci's blood and determined that along with a thyroid issues (which we learned about last week) that Bocci has Pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is treatable with meds and a restricted diet. Bocci is home with me now and eating bits of boiled chicken.

As for Bailey, she was feeling awesome on Friday. It was so good to see her being silly and sassy. Unfortunately, she joined Bocci around 4am Saturday morning - vomiting a number of times. A trip to the vet turned up normal blood and temperature readings. She's home, but barely eating. I spoke with the Oncologist today who said it's not likely that the upset stomach is from chemo.

It seems so odd that both girls are sick with similar symptoms. I've retraced their meals and activity and cannot pinpoint the cause. I feel so bad for both of them - the 3 of us are laying low hoping a day away from the vet and meds will get life back to normal. Dear Lord - when is this going to stop? This is taking such an emotional toll on the girls and I.

Joe is back in Wisconsin, so special thanks to Kelle for spending the night and my sister, mom and little Char for their numerous calls to check on the girls. I'm completely drained and hope we can get these two turned around - they deserve to be happy and healthy as they've brought so much joy to the world.

Baileyism and Bocciism
We'll keep this one short - If my love could save you, you would live forever.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Doggie Update

Bailey has been in much better spirits the past two days! She's silly, wants attention and has an appetite like her dad. We're taking her to the vet today for a blood and temperature check which is standard procedure 7-10 days after chemo. We can't get her poop back to normal (there is just no pretty way to say it), so the vet will have us try different meds over the weekend.

My focus the last couple days has switched to Bocci. She has absolutely no appetite and I can't get her to eat. Bocci lives for food so there is something terribly wrong. At first, I thought it was the thyroid meds, but now I'm not sure. We're heading to the vet first thing this morning. Keep your fingers crossed that she is okay. My heart hurts for her.

This picture was taken in happier times when they were both healthy. I'd give anything to have those days back.
Baileyism and Bocciism
I may regret telling this story, but the girls and I play hide and go seek during the day. When I need a break from work or to purely entertain the girls, I quietly disappear into one of my "spots". Within about 3 minutes, they realize that I'm missing and go on the hunt. It's treat time once they find me so I'm quite certain they love the game as much as I.

We also play the hiding game when I come home from a trip. I sneak into the house before Joe lets the girls in from outside. He does the normal greet and treat - not leading on that I'm home (we even leave the suitcase in the car). A few minutes later, the girls pick up my scent and start running through the house trying to find me. Hmmm - I wonder if this dog mom needs help! :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Effects of Chemo

We're starting to see the effects of chemo. Bailey had diarrhea most of yesterday and all through the night. She ate very little for breakfast and is missing the bounce in her step. The side effects should subside in a few days. The doctor has called in a prescription to help and we'll be sure to give Bailey extra TLC (as if she needs any more). She'll be excited later today when we head to the vet for stitch removal.

Both dogs went to the vet on Saturday for their annual exam. Bocci has a thyroid issue and will be taking meds to get it back in line. It sure is tough seeing the girls age. Bocci will be 12 next month and Bailey just turned 10. It seems that no matter how much you prepare, the pain gets worse at the thought of losing an animal - especially those who are so close to the heart. This weekend was an emotional one for me. Aside from the vet visit - I didn't leave the house. I've promised myself that I would stay strong around the girls (they can read me like a fire hydrant) so I'm thankful for quick visits behind closed doors where they can't see my sadness.

Wow - is this a bummer of a blog entry or what? I must end on a happy note so here is a quirky something about Bailey.

Bailey had a number of ear infections as a pup and therefore hates anyone looking at, touching or even thinking about coming close to her ears. Here is a clip of Bailey at the vet where she's attempting to stand on her head to avoid the ear scope. Such a baby!

Friday, August 7, 2009

First Chemo Appointment

Bailey had her first chemo appointment today and as the doctors expected, she left the building wagging her tail and in high spirits. Similar to people, she may feel the side effects in a few days, but we're hoping she sails through to the next treatment in 3 weeks.

Funny story...Bailey and I were hanging by the reception desk when a girl behind the counter answered the phone in a high pitched/happy voice. Bailey thought the girl was talking to her, so she jumped up and put her two front paws on the counter to say "Hello" back to the girl. Maybe it was one of those moments where you just had to be there, but it was so funny as Bailey clearly thought the girl was talking to her...she can be a bit self absorbed at times. :) Here is a photo of Bailey after her first treatment - happy as can be!

It cracks me up when dogs take on human traits - like sassiness or jealousy. Bailey is no exception and in our minds, has more human traits than some folks I know. We can't help but laugh when Bailey gets jealous of Bocci which is ANY time Bocci is getting more attention. Bailey's jealousy is especially evident when Bocci has a toy. Typically, Bailey could care less about stuffed toys....that is until Bocci has one in her mouth. Only then is Bailey interested in the toy. Joe also teases Bailey when he comes home by greeting each dog. All is great when Bailey is getting her love, but heaven forbid Bocci get a hello from her dad - the sass that comes out of Bailey has us in stitches.

We can't help but point out some of Bocci's quirky habits - like when she gathers all of her stuffed babies and plops down in the middle - as if she's having a tea party and they're all invited.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bailey's Bistro

We've learned that carbohydrates and sugar can feed cancer cells causing them to grow at a faster rate. What this means for Bailey is no more run-of-the-mill dry dog food! We've now opened "Bailey's Bistro" where she and her lucky sister dine on pork, chicken, beef, tuna, cheese chunks, eggs, cottage cheese and steamed vegetables. With this high protein diet, Miss Puppy USA better watch out - Bailey will be swimsuit ready in no time! Here is a behind the scene look at our culinary skills.

Dogs have just as many quirky habits as humans. For Bocci, it's leading us to the treat jar several times a day. For Bailey, it's licking her RIGHT paw after each meal...not her left paw, only her right. Needless to say, Bailey's right paw is getting a workout as she is loving her new Bistro menu.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cardiologist Report - Good News

We received good news from the Cardiologist today - Bailey's heart is free of any visible cancer signs. Thank you, Thank you!! Bailey is still having a few heart arrhythmias - likely left over from surgery. The doctors don't seem too concerned so her first chemo treatment is this coming Friday.

I managed to build up a gigantic mountain of anxiety prior to and during Bailey's appointment. Once Dr. Beaver shared the good news, I wept uncontrollable - she didn't know what to say! LOL I honestly don't know how people with terminal family members handle the pressure. This is our first and my heart bleeds for you if you've been or are currently going through such an ordeal.

I'm flying to NYC tonight for a three day work trip. A couple good friends will be stopping by the house to check on Bocci and Bailey. I can't wait to get home and I've not even left!

Bailey is not a fan of me traveling. She pouts from the minute my suitcase comes out of the closet. It's amazing just how intuitive animals can be. This picture of Bailey was taken a few years ago when I was in the midst of packing. I now keep the suitcase in the spare bedroom and pack when Bailey is sleeping.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I'm angry, I'm sad, I'm heartbroken. Why did this have to happen to Bailey? She is such a good dog - so sweet to others...always wagging her tail. She's submissive to other dogs regardless of their size. She follows me from room to room and brightens my every day. I know it's part of life and I know Bailey has had a great 10 years and I know I should cherish every second I have left. I understand all of this, but it does not stop the pain. I promised myself yesterday that I would not cry anymore - that I would turn my energy toward positive things. That promise lasted less than 18 hours. I'm not writing this for pity - I just needed to vent....I feel so helpless. Why, God, WHY my Bailey girl?? I'm so angry with you right now.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

My Soul Dog

Wow - does Bailey know me like the back of her paw! As you can imagine, I have been a ball of anxiety and sadness this past week. I've been through 1000+ tissues and several shirt sleeves. I've spent the last 4 nights sleeping on a make-shift bed on the floor next to Bocci and Bailey. I last showered....not sure I want to admit that here. Anyway, I've noticed that Bailey has been mopey and depressed. At first, I thought it was the medicine and/or her sore belly. She was not following me from room to room, wagging her tail or responding to attention. Certainly not traits of Bailey. It finally occurred to me that she was mimicking my behavior. Go figure. So today I decided to turn over a new leaf - put the sleeping bag away and consider brushing my teeth. Bocci, Bailey and I started our day with a walk around the block followed by breakfast and a mini Showtime. We snuggled, laid in the sun and cleaned the house. At one point, Bailey even sassed me for dancing crazy in the kitchen - I often embarrass her when I act silly.

Although Dracula (my new name for the awful blood cancer that is hurting my baby) is always on my mind, I'm trying to focus on happy times and creating more memories.

Bailey and I feed off of each other's energy. This picture was taken in January 2009 at Dog Expo in Tempe. The look on her face is priceless. It appears she is doing a round off from a Showtime performance. Gosh - I love that dog!