My focus the last couple days has switched to Bocci. She has absolutely no appetite and I can't get her to eat. Bocci lives for food so there is something terribly wrong. At first, I thought it was the thyroid meds, but now I'm not sure. We're heading to the vet first thing this morning. Keep your fingers crossed that she is okay. My heart hurts for her.
This picture was taken in happier times when they were both healthy. I'd give anything to have those days back.
Baileyism and Bocciism
I may regret telling this story, but the girls and I play hide and go seek during the day. When I need a break from work or to purely entertain the girls, I quietly disappear into one of my "spots". Within about 3 minutes, they realize that I'm missing and go on the hunt. It's treat time once they find me so I'm quite certain they love the game as much as I.
We also play the hiding game when I come home from a trip. I sneak into the house before Joe lets the girls in from outside. He does the normal greet and treat - not leading on that I'm home (we even leave the suitcase in the car). A few minutes later, the girls pick up my scent and start running through the house trying to find me. Hmmm - I wonder if this dog mom needs help! :)
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