We took Bailey on a hike yesterday (see pic) - or wait - maybe it was the other way around. I'm a worrywart so we turned around after 1.5 miles....she wanted to keep going! I'll take her to the park this morning for a run in the grass.
Okay - this paragraph is for other doggies with hemangiosarcoma...friends may want to skip over. While Bailey's attitude and energy level are amazing, she still has diarrhea - no fun. It's been going on for almost a month - even with a full prescription of Metronizadol (sp). I'll ask the doc about it tomorrow and report back with any findings. She's been on the same diet for weeks with the Evo Low Fat/non-grain kibble. We also mix in about 1/4 can of the Evo wet food. Her pills are the same with 6 K9 Immunity, 4 Yunnan and 2 Probiotic. Once in a while we mix in cooked egg. I need to introduce other foods that promote blood growth (liver, etc.), but kept her diet consistent for a few weeks to see if the diarrhea would disappear. Since it's still present, I may as well add the other ingredients.
Bailey likes to smell my eyes. I've never had another dog do that, and as far as I know, she does not do that to anyone else. Should I have a complex? Do I have stinky eyes?
Hahahha. Stinky eyes. I used to tell Sparky he had stinky eyes! Funny!
ReplyDeleteI don't blame you for your apprehension about the next chemo treatment, but it has to be done, and I'll be thinking about both of you.
As for the diarrhea, I really don't know what to say, except definitely bring it up with the vet. Sparky had diarrhea too, but I fed him a lot of different things. His prognosis was so dire that I didn't have many options of keeping him on a certain (safe) diet, because he would just stop eating if I served him the same thing twice. I hope for your girl Bailey, it's just a temporary thing. Which brings me to my next point :) You said you were thinking about adding different foods etc. I have a list of cancer foods (approved by vets) on my blog if you want to take a look. It's mostly protein, with very little carbs...
Let us know how everything goes. I would be interested in hearing what the vet has to say about Bailey diarrhea ... I pray all goes well tomorrow. Hugs.