Monday, October 12, 2009

Scare of a Potential Bleed

Bailey has been doing fabulous until last night. Typically, she greets us at the door, runs to the bed, and performs showtime - but not last night. She would not eat dinner and hid behind the table. I immediately checked her gums and found them to be very pale - a common sign of an internal bleed. We checked her abdomen, but did not see any bloating (good sign) and her temp was normal. I gave her a Yunnan pill which is supposed to stop any bleeding.

The only other thing I can think of causing the odd behavior is arthritis pain. She had a busy weekend with the hike and a few trips to the new house. She also took a spill when jumping out of Joe's SUV. Arthritis pain comes to mind as she kept licking her upper arms (where they connect to the torso). While I could see pain affecting her appetite, it still does not explain the pale gums.

I may get an ultrasound done this morning, but have mixed emotions as I don't know that I can take bad news. She has been doing so good and this brings back all the worries of losing her. I can't imagine my live without Bailey. I pray this is just a fluke and that I'm overreacting. She ate a little breakfast and seems happier today - but is not at the vibrant level as the past few weeks.


  1. I am sorry to hear about this!! Give her plenty of hugs!!

  2. Hi Bridget - I hope by now you have some news on Bailey's health. I hope you got the ultrasound done. I know, we never want to hear the bad news (and heck, I certainly fought it) but I think it's a good idea because it gives you the chance to counter-attack. I feel horrible for you, but I pray it all works out. And hey, it may be not a big deal... You are doing everything you can! You know that!!!! I'm here to talk if you need to, even if you just need to rant or cry ... Lotsa hugs to both of you!
