Monday, August 10, 2009

The Effects of Chemo

We're starting to see the effects of chemo. Bailey had diarrhea most of yesterday and all through the night. She ate very little for breakfast and is missing the bounce in her step. The side effects should subside in a few days. The doctor has called in a prescription to help and we'll be sure to give Bailey extra TLC (as if she needs any more). She'll be excited later today when we head to the vet for stitch removal.

Both dogs went to the vet on Saturday for their annual exam. Bocci has a thyroid issue and will be taking meds to get it back in line. It sure is tough seeing the girls age. Bocci will be 12 next month and Bailey just turned 10. It seems that no matter how much you prepare, the pain gets worse at the thought of losing an animal - especially those who are so close to the heart. This weekend was an emotional one for me. Aside from the vet visit - I didn't leave the house. I've promised myself that I would stay strong around the girls (they can read me like a fire hydrant) so I'm thankful for quick visits behind closed doors where they can't see my sadness.

Wow - is this a bummer of a blog entry or what? I must end on a happy note so here is a quirky something about Bailey.

Bailey had a number of ear infections as a pup and therefore hates anyone looking at, touching or even thinking about coming close to her ears. Here is a clip of Bailey at the vet where she's attempting to stand on her head to avoid the ear scope. Such a baby!

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