Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Combo Approach

Bailey and I had an appointment with an integrative vet (Dr. Hershey) yesterday who specializes in both eastern and western medicine. Dr. Hershey confirmed our research that adding supplements to Bailey's diet will help her fight against cancer and minimize the side effects of chemo. Dr. Hershey laid out a meal program for Bailey which is a slow transition to a high protein/low carb/low fat diet. Here are the details:

Daily food
Innova Eva High Protein/reduced fat diet - 2 cups daily (purchased from a feed store)
Add lean protein such as chicken, turkey or fish
Add foods that help build blood including liver, spinach, eggs and sardines (gross!)
Add Garlic and Turmeric as antioxidants and for flavor

Supplements (to be purchased online)
K9 Immunity - builds the immune system
K9 Transfer Factor - builds the immune system
Yunnan - to prevent internal bleeding
Probiotics - Bailey was on this before so we are started up again
More supplements will be added over time

As in life, there are no guarantees, but we feel good about our new integrated approach and find comfort knowing others have had great success. I just read another happy story in the Yahoo Group Forum where a dog named Henry is 1.5 years past his HSA diagnosis. He did the 5 rounds of chemo and is now on a maintenance program. I also like that we purchase the supplements over the Internet vs. directly from the vet.

We are considering moving our chemo treatments to Dr. Hershey. Currently, we pay AZ Veterinary Specialists about $550 per treatment. Dr. Hershey is a bit of a drive, but $100 less expensive and most importantly, can pretreat Bailey for side effects. Lord knows, it would also be great to have one less vet to juggle. :)

Okay - I fully understand that we all think our kids (2 legged and 4 legged) are the cutest. Joe and I are no exception and get a bang out of Bailey's different "walks" - she is doing her hippity hop in this video taken last winter where she runs funny with her two front legs. She also has prancy prance and several others which I hope to get on video. Yes - I also recognize that our funny names are a bit out think it's time we had kids???


  1. Adorable!! Blue does that as well. :)

  2. That is so cute, it should be illegal!!

  3. So cute! Sparky had a funky little bunny hop too when he was excited.

    Bailey's new diet sounds very much like what I was feeding the Spark at the end. We also added Astragalus which is supposed to be really good for the immune system and fighting the cancer. On the right side of my blog I have his 'treatment regimen' in case you're interested. My holistic vet never suggested the K9 Immunity, but I had looked into it... It would be good to see how Bailey does with it.

    Good luck with everything. I'm right here, on the sidelines, cheering your little baby on! Go Bailey!!!

  4. Our dog Addie was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma after an emergency splenectomy 13 months ago. She has never had chemo. Look into Neoplasene from Buck Mountain.
